Saturday, February 25, 2012

Happy Saturday!

Happy Saturday fellow bloggers!
Hope the week went by fast for you. Thank goodness the weekend is here!

My week was pretty good. Tuesday I went to an aquafit class by myself, since Samantha, my partner in crime had to work. I came home. made a smoothie, walked my dog, and did another meditation. This meditation focused on ego, and how to be more aware of it. The instructor told us to think of things we own. I thought of my dog, my feelings, my possessions, my body. By the end of the meditation I was feeling pretty good. I decided to make myself a ginger beef salad to take to work for dinner
So I was all ready to go to work and about to leave, when I called Banjo to come in. I called him for a good 15 minutes before I started to panic. I called work and told them I'd be late, because I couldn't find my dog. I started driving up and down my street, looking in the ditches and calling his name. Half an hour had gone by when I called animal services and they said they picked him up because he was on the road. I think what happened was that, because it was recycling day, he was at the end of the driveway pulling the recycling out of the box. He does this every Tuesday like it is a fun game for him. Well it wasn't funny anymore. I was hysterical. But thank goodness he was okay. I went to the SPCA which is just down the road. And even though they told me he was there, they said they had taken him to the other animal rescue place. So I had to drive there and get him. It cost me $35, but I was just relieved he was okay. After all that I ended up being only 10 minutes late for work. Go me!

I didn't work my traditional closing shift, which was a nice change to be off early. A table of mine invited me to stay for a beer, so I did. They told me they are leaving to go to New Zealand for 3 weeks in a couple of days. That was exciting since it ha been on my list of To Do's for the past year now. I know they will have a great time and can't wait for them to come back with awesome stories to tell.

Wednesday was back and bicep day at the gym. Sam and I also went to a yoga class which was nice. I had my first face to face health consultation with a potential client of mine. I think it went really well and it was much easier than I thought. I almost find it harder through skype because its harder to connect with the person. After that I went home, did some notes on positive psychology, and had another meditation before work.

Thursday wasn' t very eventful. I made a lemon meringue pie. I wish I got a before picture, because although I told Greg not to eat it before 8:30pm, when I got home from work at 9:30, this was what was left...

What a thoughtful boyfriend I have.

The Canucks chalked up a HUGE win against Detroit, and it was one of the best games I'd ever seen! We tied it up with 15 seconds left in the third period. And Burrows delivered the winning goal in the shootout. And that ladies and gentlemen, is how hockey is played.

I noticed some lower back pain when I first got to work, which only got worse as the night went on.
By the end of my shift I was miserable. I was off around 10, and came home and passed out.

My back was still not feeling 100% on Friday, and Sam wasn't feeling it either, so we skipped our workout. I got a package in the mail with some dresses I'd ordered. It was a bummer because neither of them looked good. They were both too big. I always forget that American sizes are larger than Canadian sizes and I should have ordered a small in both. Oh well. Internet shopping, you win some, you lose some.

Greg was off work early because of torrential downpour so we went grocery shopping. I rushed to work because I thought I started at 4, but I didn't start until 5. It was good to have a coffee, eat my salad and relax before work. Sometime we need to be reminded to relax and not worry so much. The world has its ways of telling us this. And I was happy the Canuck game started at 4:30 So I got to actually watch the first period. We ended up winning against New Jersey. Man, I love hockey.

I got home around 9:45pm and Greg was watching some terrible movie. I went to read in bed, but fell asleep.

This morning I was up at 8am. Which, if you know me, is unheard of. Greg and I made some kick ass french toast, and had some coffee. I am already feeling pressed for time, since I have a million things to do and it is now 10:30am. I am going to make some cookies for my friend Georg's birthday. I also need to catch up on my meditation since I missed yesterdays. I have some school work to do and a few calls to make. But this morning I got outside and noticed some spring flowers poking through the ground. Hope this means good weather is coming! Only 3 more weeks until Mexico. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Thanks for reading.

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