Thursday, November 24, 2011

Days 14-18

Hello and Happy American Thanksgiving everyone!
I haven't had too much time to blog these past few days, as Ive actually been quite busy.
Sunday night I had some friends come up for a DIY sushi night. I decided not to make any brown rice as I was already feeling a little overwhelmed with prep. It wasn't too bad actually, as I gave myself lots of time. Everything turned out perfect!

Yum! Tempura Veggies!

We each made a couple rolls which was fun. I only have one sushi rolling mat on purpose, because I like to watch everyone make their rolls.

We drank Asahi, and ate our huge sushi feast. There wasn't even a single piece leftover!

The next day, I spent most of the day cooking again, for another dinner party. I went to the gym for chest and triceps, and also for a HIIT sesh. Then I came home and made twice baked potatoes, broccoli salad, spinach dip and an apple and pear crumble for dessert.

Our friends ended up not making it, and we were stuck with tonnes of food. We ate ourselves into food coma, and I decided there was no more room for sacrificing my eating plan.

Tuesday was pretty uneventful. I got up early and made kickass egg white tacos with corn tortillas and salsa. It was a cardio day, so I walked my dog for 45 minutes. I tried to walk relatively fast to keep my heart rate up. When I got home I whipped up a protein shake and headed to work. I made myself a salad with chicken, spinach, carrot, cucumber, red pepper and pumpkin seeds for dinner. I worked til midnight and was exhausted when I got home.

Wednesday was a great day. I woke up at 7am for a webinar through IIN. I am seriously considering enrolling in their health coach program. The Q and A session was pretty helpful. I am feeling like I need a change for the better in my life so I am going to give it some more serious thought before deciding to spend my life savings on education.

I went to the gym early for back and bicep day. I also joined in an aquafit class. There were so many people! I usually go to the noon class on Wednesdays but I had to work at noon, so I decided to go to an early one. The music was awesome and everyone was singing along. It was a lot of good energy.

I had a flat tire from driving over a screw so I got that fixed before work. Work was busy and went by quickly. There was a hockey game on so my girlfriend Sarah and I had a couple beverages and I even gave in to some nachos and a half size chocolate brownie for dessert. Eating poorly make me really tired. It is actually crazy to see what a difference Ive noticed. Obviously eating healthy whole foods gives you energy, but now I see very clearly just how eating bad food makes you feel. I felt so sluggish and sleepy and went to bed at 9pm.

This morning Greg didn't have to work so he made me breakfast which was really nice. My biceps are killing me and my lower back is feeling kind of strained today. I was going to go to a hot yoga class at 12:30 but haven't hydrated enough today. I am really lazy and unmotivated from the weather. I think I will do a bit of stretching and walk my dog before work. Looking forward to Friday tomorrow!!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Day 11-13

My veggie burgers turned out pretty good Wednesday night. I was actually surprised, as were a couple of my veggie friends I used as guinea pigs. The sweet potato fries were awesome and so easy to make!

Thursday morning I woke up exhausted and decided not to push myself too much. It was a cardio day so I did a fast paced walk twice around Chemainus Lake. I ran small sections to keep my heart rate up but I had to work and didn't want to be too tired.

I had Puffins cereal for breakfast, with regular milk as I only had the chocolate almond milk. I had a protein shake after my run. Greg was home from work early so we went grocery shopping together for a couple of things I needed.

For lunch I had about 15 snap peas with hummus, and also one slice of break with lean turkey and avocado. It was delicious!

For dinner I had steamed tilapia with spinach, roasted red peppers and brown rice. The pesto really made it, but I still didn't enjoy it very much. It was too fishy, and the bones in the fish really threw off my appetite. I think ill stick to fish tacos.

My girlfriend Sarah came over and I had half a beer with her after work. I went to bed around midnight since I had to be up early.

Friday was a busy day. I got up at 7am, had a coffee, some yogurt with vanilla extract, and a half a grapefruit, before hitting the gym. I did shoulders, legs, abs, and a HIIT sesh. I knew I wouldn't be working out Saturday so I did both workouts. It was awesome, and I went to work feeling full of energy. I had to open the restaurant which was great because I wanted to drive to Victoria Friday night for a girlfriends birthday party.

I had a protein shake after the gym, a kashi bar, 25 almonds for a snack and a salad with veggies and chicken at about 3pm. I also had a happy hour at 3pm and had a martini. TGIF!

We decided to have dinner at a restaurant in the city where my friend Jesse works, since we hadn't been there, and also hadn't seen him in so long. It was a beautiful restaurant and we shared some crab ravioli, a thin crust pizza, and of course we had gelato for dessert. Everything was delicious, but I did feel slightly guilty for straying off my meal plan. But it was a special occasion and I would have been even more disappointed if I didn't go.

We headed out to the party and had a really great time. It was so nice to see friends I hadn't seen in months and months.

Everyone had a really great time. I definitely drank too much, although not enough to give me a hangover, thank god. We stayed at the party until about 3am before someone had the not-so-brilliant-but-at-the-time-was-brilliant idea to go to Denny's. So we caught a cab and to Denny's we went.

I hadn't been to Denny's in probably 10 years. And for good reason. But I still felt the need to order way too much food. I ordered a bacon avocado wrap, of which I ate half. I also ordered a buttermilk biscuit with turkey gravy on the side. The waitress brought me 2, of which I ate one half of one. and I had 2 chicken strips, because my friend is vegetarian so someone had to eat them (that was my excuse), 2 mozzarella sticks, and an onion ring. I don't even eat deep fried foods. I actually despise the taste of them. Its so weird what the influence of alcohol makes you do.

We cabbed to Emily's after Denny's and passed out. We probably got home at about 4am. Greg was super hurting and still is. He doesn't know his limit and always surpasses it. I had 5 cider, because my 6th went missing, but it was a really long night so I think that is why I'm not feeling as rough this morning.

I woke up feeling pretty sore. My shoulders and abs are especially sore which is great because I find my shoulders are difficult to workout. We made the drive home, we stopped at McDonald's and I got a fruit and yogurt parfait. Today I am going to eat a lot better and hopefully forget some of the guilt of eating all that crap last night.

Today is a new day! Last night is water under the bridge. I'm going to take a nice hot bath, and make myself a turkey wrap. Some friends want to have drink tonight also but I think I will volunteer to be the DD. I'm also going to pack some ready to eat snacks so I don't get careless. Tomorrow we are having friends come up for a make-your-own sushi night. I am going to try and make sushi with brown rice for myself and see how it turns out. I will take photos and keep everyone posted. Happy Saturday, and thanks for reading!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 8-10

Monday morning I drove down to Victoria for a Doctors appointment. I squeezed in a nice workout at the Oak Bay Rec Centre. It was OK. The treadmills are all preset for 25 minutes ONLY so that is your cardio limit. The weight room was pretty crowded and very old but it still got the job done.

Turns out I drove down there for no reason because my doctor is on vacation and wasn't in office. They tried to call me but didn't have my updated number. Doh!

It was still nice to be in the city though. It was a beautiful sunny freezing day. I had tea with my friend Georg and caught up with Emily. She is super motivating right now and is always sending me fabulous inspiring text messages, which I love. Here is one;

No wonder she is my bestie!

I followed my meal plan pretty close for the most part. I had dinner with another one of my best friends, Melissa. She is pregnant at the moment and is so incredibly beautiful to me. She just looks so radiant and perfect. We had pasta and garlic toast for dinner. The toast was not on my meal plan, but neither were the 2 girl guide cookies or the strawberry shortcake I indulged in. It is really hard to hold back on eating around a pregnant woman! I think I did pretty good. Luckily for me, Mel bought Cool Whip which only has 25 calories per 3 tablespoons, and the mini only had 100 calories each. Add some fresh berries and BAM! You have yourself a pretty healthy little dessert.

Tuesday was cardio day and Banjo and I ran for about 45 minutes. The road was pretty icy so we had to walk little sections of it. The sun was still shining and we had a nice view of the lake from where we ran.

I created the best protein shake Ive ever had. I mixed coconut milk, vanilla protein, unsweetened flakes of coconut, banana, a little bit of water and some flax oil. SO delicious!!

I had leftover pasta for lunch and left to go to work. It was really slow and I got to come home early which was nice because my triceps were KILLING me from Mondays workout. I had some salmon an steamed broccoli for dinner, and a kashi bar for a late night snack, before hitting the hay. Well, I didn't really hit the hay. I stayed up for a few hours researching Southeast Asia and trying to find a financial way to make it happen this summer. I'm gonna talk to Greg about it later.

This morning I woke up to snow. It was slightly depressing since the past two days have been so beautiful. Everyone kind of suspected it was coming though as it has been really cold at night.

I went to the gym and did a 5 min warm up run, literally to warm me up, because I was freezing. Then did biceps and back today, before heading down to the pool for aquafit. My friend Sam joined me today and we had a fun class. The thing about aquafit is that you are so buoyant, you don't realize how hard you've worked until you get out of the water and feel like jelly. It was really nice to watch the snowfall outside as we were nice and warm in the hot tub.

Now I am home writing to all of you. I just had another one of those protein shakes I had yesterday. It makes me feel like I'm in the tropics even when its snowing out. I'm about to prep some sweet potato fries and make a salad for dinner tonight, since Ill be at work. Tonight is the night I get to try out my veggie burgers I made on Sunday! I cant wait! Ill keep you all posted as to how they turn out. Ciao for now!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Days 4-7

Thursday I waited around for some friends to go to the gym. I did some housework since I worked the day shift Friday and Greg was coming home Saturday.

My friends ended up bailing and I ended up pressed for time before work on a cardio day. I took my dog on a quick 30 min run on the TransCanada trail. The leaves were all different colours and the sun was shining, too bad everyone was burning.

I had some chicken for dinner before work, then a couple beers after for the Canucks game. Too bad they lost :(

Friday I worked the day shift at work so I made some overnight oats on Thursday night. I also had an orange a cold cup of coffee with ice and organic sugar.

Friday was also a holiday for Remembrance Day. Work was slamming busy!
Good thing I was prepared and brought food from home with me. I had leftover chicken for lunch and some grapes for a snack.

I wanted to squeeze in a workout but the gym was only open for a few hours since it was a holiday. I promised to work out extra hard on Saturday.

It was Friday night and my girlfriend Sarah got off work early so we decided to treat ourselves to martinis during the hockey game. I had 3 too many and splurged on chocolate peanut butter cheesecake. I only had half a piece as the guilt got to me and I couldn't fully enjoy it. I also had some nachos. Safe to say Friday wasn't my strongest day. It wasn't a strong day for the Canucks either :(

Saturday I got up and made french toast with multi grain bread, egg whites and almond milk. It turned out OK. Wasn't too tasty. I cleaned the house like a crazy woman all day since Greg was coming home that night. I also went to the gym and worked legs, shoulders, abs and did a HIIT sesh. I didn't have time for the sauna as my workout ran a little longer than expected so I gulped down a protein shake and an apple and went home to shower.

I picked Greg up at about 5 o'clock and we decided to go to our favorite Mexican restaurant. Its sort of a tradition, and we go every time we are in town which isn't very often. I usually always get the same thing. The chicken enchilada and Chile relleno combo, with a salad instead of beans and corn, and regular enchilada sauce with molé on the side. I was so full I couldn't eat anything else all night. Greg and I watched "Crazy, stupid, love" and I ogled over Ryan Gosling. God I remember when he was in Breaker High on YTV. He sure grew up!

Today was Sunday, which is my food prep day. I didn't really do much exercise which is fine because I had to grocery shop and prep my food for the week. I made a delicious hummus;

which was so good Greg ate the leftovers from the blender.

Greg's brother Rob stopped by and I made some Thai coconut shrimp, over leftover brown rice;

This is the site of my work area.

I also whipped up a batch of delicious veggie burgers, and some more fresh salsa. I wish I took some pictures of the veggie burgers as they were so beautiful! And pretty tasty too. I used s spaghetti squash in place of the summer squash the recipe called for and they still turned out great.

We went over to our friend Virginia's house for dinner and she made a kick ass Seafood Chipotle, which is her and her husbands favorite dish at Gina's, the same Mexican restaurant we love. She always cooks up a mean dish and this time was no different. She never fails to impress, and we always come home with a food coma.

Tomorrow I have to drive down island for a Doctors appointment.
Tomorrow is also the second week of my weight training, which means I'm moving up to 2 sets of 15 reps. I will probably do this for the next couple weeks at least, until I feel strong and consistent. I think I am going to keep doing the HIIT for my cardio as it helps the time go by really fast. I am also going to start jumping rope for a couple minutes as my warm up before weight training.

I bought a couple new products to try out this week;

I am pretty excited to try the chocolate almond milk with a banana, oats and some peanut butter in a protein shake. I am also interested in the coconut milk as it is a new item at my grocery store and was on sale.

I haven't really noticed much change this first week. Ive noticed a little definition in my arms already, and that I have more energy. I also feel a bit leaner which is crazy because I'm eating more than ever before! Ive also decided to follow a more practical plan, which I will still modify to include protein shakes, cereal, and overnight oats.

Overall I am pretty excited and feeling really motivated going into week 2. Thanks for being supportive and reading!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Days Two and three

Today was a cardio day so I got up early and drove over to Chemainus Lake. But not before receiving a motivation text from my bestie. It feels so good to have support :)

This is the site of my exercise. I ran two laps around the lake in the POURING rain. But it was still great. Id rather run in the rain than the heat. The run took about 40 minutes, plus 10 minutes each way of driving. I was starving when I got home so I put a big blob of almond butter on the overnight oats that I made. They were actually quite good!

They filled me up for most of the day, but i forced fed myself an apple around 2pm. The day was mostly taken up doing household chores such as laundry and dishes, etc. I whipped up a curried egg salad wrap with spinach and flax seed oil for lunch. I also made a tuna salad with pickles and cucumber over spring greens and took that to work with me. I worked a really long, slow shift and got home around 11:30pm. I must have been pretty tired because I don't even remember my head hitting the pillow.

Wednesday morning I got up quite early and made my girlfriend breakfast. She stayed over the night before to keep me company while my boyfriend is out of town. We made scrambled egg whites with a strip of bacon, a little cheese and fresh salsa in a whole grain tortilla. I had 1/2 a grapefruit and a cup of coffee also. It was the best breakfast I had all week!

I took banjo on a good hour long walk, down one of my favorite country lanes. The views out over the lake were beautiful, even with all of the leaves almost gone. When I got home, I made a quick protein shake and headed off to the gym.

Today was back and bicep day, and it was my first day doing these exercises. I was quite relieved to see my friend Adrian there working out. He gave me some great pointers and even helped me with my form (Thanks Adrian!). I felt quite silly but he reassured me that everyone starts somewhere. I finished my reps and headed down to the pool for aquafit.

I love the aquafit classes mostly because I love the low impact. We also have some great instructors at our community centre which definitely helps. I'm always the youngest person there, though so everyone watches me which I don't like, because I'm also the newest person there. This class focused mainly on abs, which I was excited about since its the whole reason I'm doing this. After a half hour, class was over and I laid in the sauna which was well deserved.
I had my protein shake waiting in the truck for when I came out.

I had a quick nap because I had to work that evening. Then I made this killer pizza on a whole grain tortilla, with spinach, low fat feta, low fat mozza, (only a little of each) some bell peppers, and some Roma tomatoes. I put it in the over to broil, and went to fold some laundry. I must have started day dreaming because I could smell the pizza burning and had to run to the oven to save its life.

Could have been a lot worse!

I also made up another tuna salad using the leftovers from the night before. I added a little feta and some juicy grape tomatoes. I mixed some ranch with flax oil for the dressing, but only about a teaspoon.

I ate it at about 9pm so that I would be full for the rest of the night.

Work was very busy which was awesome. I work in a restaurant which serves processed foods, uses ridiculous amounts of salt in everything, and serves a lot of fried and fatty foods. It is a franchise and sadly that is what becomes of them. It is hard to not eat the food there as it looks and smells delicious. I was looking at the nutritional facts not too long ago, and was very disturbed to find out that the chicken pecan salad we have on our menu had 92 grams of fat per serving. It upsets me that people order salads thinking they are a healthy alternative when it actually is one of the fattiest things on our menu. I feel like we are deceiving people.
For the past 3 days however, I have been packing food with me and so far have no given in to potato skins, or pizza which were both weaknesses of mine.

I came home and watched some matchbox 20 videos with my amiga, Sarah. We also had a little treat of whisky on the rocks with lemon and water. We were going to have pina coladas but there was way too much sugar in the mix, especially to have so late at night. Sarah went home and I went to bed.

Today is day 4 and it is a beautiful day. My back and biceps are killing me, but today is a cardio day, thank god! This mornings breakfast consisted of half a grapefruit, scrambled egg whites and a piece of multi grain toast with almond butter. The sun is shining and calling me outside. I hope everyone has a great Thursday! The weekend is just around the corner!

Here is a little treat I found the other night. Enjoy :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Day one: The beginning

Hello blogworld!
Hope everyone is having a fabulous Monday!
Today is officially day ONE.

My friend Emily had the day off today is super motivating right now, as she just finished her BCRPA Fitness Theory course, so I drove down to spend the day with her. We walked Banjo around the lake in the rain. It was nice to catch up and talk about positive things especially on such a gloomy day. We then went out for a little retail motivational therapy and I got myself some nice workout pants from Old Navy.

I made the drive home and started a nice little fire for Banjo and I. I was feeling like I cheated on my cardio today so I decided to hit up the community centre for a quick workout. I did a HIIT workout on the treadmill, although 4.0 was too intense for me so I knocked it down to 3.6 and found myself hunching over. I probably looked like a crazy woman.

I also worked my triceps and chest. Since I am brand new to strength training I am starting this first week with only one set of 15 reps. Just to test out how my muscles feel. Next week Ill bump it up to 2 sets and use a little more weight. 

After my workout I sat in the hot tub for 10 minutes and the sauna for 10 minutes. It was so relaxing.

I came home and ate dinner, and made some overnight oats for tomorrow. I am pretty excited to try them for the first time. I got the idea from a blog I frequently read. I don't really like eating egg whites so I am excited to have another way of getting protein in the morning.

Today my meals consisted of:

Breakfast: Egg white omelet with fresh bell peppers and spinach, and a slice of 12 grain bread toasted with almond butter. Also cold coffee with 1/2 tsp of organic sugar.

Mid morning: Raspberry banana smoothie blended with flax seed oil and no fat yogurt.

Lunch: Protein shake with oats, almond milk and a banana

Dinner: Chicken and black bean wrap with bell peppers,1 tsp of cheese and a teensy bit of sour cream mixed in with fresh homemade salsa.

Because I'm a late night snacker, I made a salad with spring mix and spinach, bell peppers and roasted pumpkin seeds. Also a honey mustard dressing. Can't wait!

I took some measurements so I can get a nice accurate idea of how much my body changes;
bust- 36 inches
hips- 38 inches
waist- 30 inches
weight- 135lbs

And here is a photo of me on day one!

Now I am going to go over my workout plan for Wednesday as tomorrow is a cardio day. Sweet dreams!

Hasta MaNana!

Operation Preparation: The Shop

My boyfriend, Greg, left to go visit his Mother in Kamloops on Saturday. I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to do a healthy grocery shop, since he wouldn't be around to put oreos, ice cream, and frozen pizza into the cart. The fact that he is gone all this week will definitely help me in the eating department.

So Sunday I went grocery shopping. I was kind of confused by a lot of things, like almond butter. There seemed to be like 6 different types. Unsweetened, raw, unstirred, chocolate, I had no idea what to get! Eventually I made up my mind and went with The Unsweetened. It has a very strange taste but I don't not like it.

Also, protein powder. I avoided going to a gym on purpose for fear that a huge burly man would sell me what he was using. I found a type that looked good. I think its called WheyNatural. Its gluten free, all natural, vanilla, and I actually like the (WHEY) it tastes. No pun intended.

And another thing. Almond milk? So many different types. Oats? Old fashioned, or cooks in 3 minutes?
Looks like there is a lot to learn about in the grocery section. This is what I got for about $160

tilapia fillets
chicken breast
protein powder
roma tomatoes
ancient grain whole grain tortillas
green grapes
pomegranate juice
egg whites in a carton
every colour of bell pepper
baby carrots
Asian vegetable medley
almond butter
kashi granola bars
multi grain bread
brown long grain rice
rice cakes
puffins cereal
organic sugar
spring mix
granny smith apples
almond milk
tomato paste
tomato sauce
coconut milk
raw almonds
shake n bake
old fashioned oats
flax seed oil

There were a couple things on my list like low fat cheese, low fat sour cream, and natural peanut butter but I didn't want to waste what I have left of the regular stuff so I'm gonna wait until its all gone.

When I came home I did some food prep. I cut up all the bell peppers and some onion into a big mix so its easy to put in omelets, salads, sandwiches or even just to snack on. I also made some fresh salsa that is so much healthier than the artichoke and asiago dip calling my name in the fridge.
I also made myself a kick ass quesadilla for dinner with chicken and beans and corn and of course, the fresh salsa. I had to have something healthy to kick start my first day tomorrow! Wish me luck!

Operation Abs: The workout plan

Ive been hearing a lot lately that getting abs is 80% diet, 10% genetics and 10% exercise.

So if I change what I eat, Ill get awesome abs super fast? Right?
I wish it was that easy.

Ive also been hearing that strength training is the only way to get abdominal definition, which I want so badly!

I looked at a few options online such as Jaime Easons Livefit Trainer, and the Tone It Up! Girls website and have felt slightly intimidated. I don't really want to stick with one plan in particular so much as I want to become more in tune with my body and figure out what works for me.

Ive modified a couple of different food plans to incorporate a good amount of protein, carbs and healthy fats in each meal. I'm trying to eat 3-4 smaller meals a day, a smoothie and a protein shake.

I usually only eat a couple meals a day so this feels like a lot. Im definetley going to have to get used to eating breakfast because I love my sleep and usually dont get up until noon :)

I only have a few rules im following:
lots of water
flax seed oil everyday
a protein shake everyday
lots of veggies
no carbs past 8pm
limit fruit to twice daily
limited dairy
this convenient list of food not to eat late

I dont really have a bad diet, so much as I just eat what is convenient and without thinking. I love to go through the drive thru at DQ and get the cheeseburger combo with a mini blizzard at 10pm. Because im hungry. And because who wants to cook at 10pm?

I also eat too much, especially on days that are rainy, days that im sad, celebrations, holidays, sushi dates, and whatever other excuse there is. Im not fat by any means, just in a rut and feeling like I need a change. And maybe to actually meet one of my fitness goals, once.

The idea is to eat CLEANER. To eat whole foods that are better for me. I just want to feel better about what I am putting into my body.

My workout plan for the first 6 weeks is easy, I didn't want to over do it in fear that I would wear myself out, or feel like it was too overwhelming. Basically 4 days of strength training, 2 days of HIITs, and one day of Fun Exercise, which could be yoga, hiking, biking, swimming. Anything that gets me active.

Day one: Chest and Triceps
-Incline dumbbell press
-Incline dumbbell flys
-Push ups
-French press
-Cable press downs

Day 2: Cardio
HIIT for 30 min on treadmill

Day 3: Back and Biceps
-Lat pull downs
-Cable rows
-One arm dumbbell rows
-Barbell curl
-Dumbbell curl
-Cable curl

Day 4: Cardio
HIIT on StairMaster 30 minutes

Day 5: Legs and Shoulders
-Leg press
-Leg extension
-Hamstring curl
-Standing calf raises
-Seated calf raises
-Seated dumbbell press
-Front dumbbell raise
-Rear lateral flys

Day 6: Abs
-Hanging leg raises
-Medicine ball sit ups

Day 7: Fun day! Hike, bike, swim, yoga, geocache, something!

My first week I'm going to do 1 set of 15 reps of everything, just to test my muscles out and see what they can handle. I don't want to over do it and feel intimidated. The plan I'm using come from this website.

Second week I will do 2 sets and third week do 3 sets and so on, until in the fourth week I will get a heavier set of weights. After 6 weeks I can make some adjustments if I feel its necessary.

Do you have any advice? I would love to hear some!

The Motivator: My bikini

This is it! The motivating factor behind my decision to change my lifestyle. Isnt it SO cute! I tried on the string version in Tofino a couple weeks back, but it was super unflattering, and a little above my price range. After some researching the style number and a little website called Ebay, it became mine after 4 brutally long weeks of checking the mail box everyday. (Unfortunately, the stomach wasnt included)

I got the halter version because the string version does nothing for my chest but make my boobs look huge and squishy.

I am waiting to put it on until I feel as sexy as I want to look. Maybe after a few weeks of progress Ill take a photo in it. I hang it in my full length mirror for a little extra confidence boost on those cold rainy days.

I am feeling really motivated and cannot wait until our upcoming trip to Mexico this March. I also cant wait to keep my bangin' bod I will (hopefully) have maintained so I can prance around and feel sexy in a bikini whenever I want!

Go out and buy a bikini that inspires you! Even in the middle of November!