Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 8-10

Monday morning I drove down to Victoria for a Doctors appointment. I squeezed in a nice workout at the Oak Bay Rec Centre. It was OK. The treadmills are all preset for 25 minutes ONLY so that is your cardio limit. The weight room was pretty crowded and very old but it still got the job done.

Turns out I drove down there for no reason because my doctor is on vacation and wasn't in office. They tried to call me but didn't have my updated number. Doh!

It was still nice to be in the city though. It was a beautiful sunny freezing day. I had tea with my friend Georg and caught up with Emily. She is super motivating right now and is always sending me fabulous inspiring text messages, which I love. Here is one;

No wonder she is my bestie!

I followed my meal plan pretty close for the most part. I had dinner with another one of my best friends, Melissa. She is pregnant at the moment and is so incredibly beautiful to me. She just looks so radiant and perfect. We had pasta and garlic toast for dinner. The toast was not on my meal plan, but neither were the 2 girl guide cookies or the strawberry shortcake I indulged in. It is really hard to hold back on eating around a pregnant woman! I think I did pretty good. Luckily for me, Mel bought Cool Whip which only has 25 calories per 3 tablespoons, and the mini only had 100 calories each. Add some fresh berries and BAM! You have yourself a pretty healthy little dessert.

Tuesday was cardio day and Banjo and I ran for about 45 minutes. The road was pretty icy so we had to walk little sections of it. The sun was still shining and we had a nice view of the lake from where we ran.

I created the best protein shake Ive ever had. I mixed coconut milk, vanilla protein, unsweetened flakes of coconut, banana, a little bit of water and some flax oil. SO delicious!!

I had leftover pasta for lunch and left to go to work. It was really slow and I got to come home early which was nice because my triceps were KILLING me from Mondays workout. I had some salmon an steamed broccoli for dinner, and a kashi bar for a late night snack, before hitting the hay. Well, I didn't really hit the hay. I stayed up for a few hours researching Southeast Asia and trying to find a financial way to make it happen this summer. I'm gonna talk to Greg about it later.

This morning I woke up to snow. It was slightly depressing since the past two days have been so beautiful. Everyone kind of suspected it was coming though as it has been really cold at night.

I went to the gym and did a 5 min warm up run, literally to warm me up, because I was freezing. Then did biceps and back today, before heading down to the pool for aquafit. My friend Sam joined me today and we had a fun class. The thing about aquafit is that you are so buoyant, you don't realize how hard you've worked until you get out of the water and feel like jelly. It was really nice to watch the snowfall outside as we were nice and warm in the hot tub.

Now I am home writing to all of you. I just had another one of those protein shakes I had yesterday. It makes me feel like I'm in the tropics even when its snowing out. I'm about to prep some sweet potato fries and make a salad for dinner tonight, since Ill be at work. Tonight is the night I get to try out my veggie burgers I made on Sunday! I cant wait! Ill keep you all posted as to how they turn out. Ciao for now!

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