Monday, November 7, 2011

The Motivator: My bikini

This is it! The motivating factor behind my decision to change my lifestyle. Isnt it SO cute! I tried on the string version in Tofino a couple weeks back, but it was super unflattering, and a little above my price range. After some researching the style number and a little website called Ebay, it became mine after 4 brutally long weeks of checking the mail box everyday. (Unfortunately, the stomach wasnt included)

I got the halter version because the string version does nothing for my chest but make my boobs look huge and squishy.

I am waiting to put it on until I feel as sexy as I want to look. Maybe after a few weeks of progress Ill take a photo in it. I hang it in my full length mirror for a little extra confidence boost on those cold rainy days.

I am feeling really motivated and cannot wait until our upcoming trip to Mexico this March. I also cant wait to keep my bangin' bod I will (hopefully) have maintained so I can prance around and feel sexy in a bikini whenever I want!

Go out and buy a bikini that inspires you! Even in the middle of November!

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