Monday, November 7, 2011

Operation Abs: The workout plan

Ive been hearing a lot lately that getting abs is 80% diet, 10% genetics and 10% exercise.

So if I change what I eat, Ill get awesome abs super fast? Right?
I wish it was that easy.

Ive also been hearing that strength training is the only way to get abdominal definition, which I want so badly!

I looked at a few options online such as Jaime Easons Livefit Trainer, and the Tone It Up! Girls website and have felt slightly intimidated. I don't really want to stick with one plan in particular so much as I want to become more in tune with my body and figure out what works for me.

Ive modified a couple of different food plans to incorporate a good amount of protein, carbs and healthy fats in each meal. I'm trying to eat 3-4 smaller meals a day, a smoothie and a protein shake.

I usually only eat a couple meals a day so this feels like a lot. Im definetley going to have to get used to eating breakfast because I love my sleep and usually dont get up until noon :)

I only have a few rules im following:
lots of water
flax seed oil everyday
a protein shake everyday
lots of veggies
no carbs past 8pm
limit fruit to twice daily
limited dairy
this convenient list of food not to eat late

I dont really have a bad diet, so much as I just eat what is convenient and without thinking. I love to go through the drive thru at DQ and get the cheeseburger combo with a mini blizzard at 10pm. Because im hungry. And because who wants to cook at 10pm?

I also eat too much, especially on days that are rainy, days that im sad, celebrations, holidays, sushi dates, and whatever other excuse there is. Im not fat by any means, just in a rut and feeling like I need a change. And maybe to actually meet one of my fitness goals, once.

The idea is to eat CLEANER. To eat whole foods that are better for me. I just want to feel better about what I am putting into my body.

My workout plan for the first 6 weeks is easy, I didn't want to over do it in fear that I would wear myself out, or feel like it was too overwhelming. Basically 4 days of strength training, 2 days of HIITs, and one day of Fun Exercise, which could be yoga, hiking, biking, swimming. Anything that gets me active.

Day one: Chest and Triceps
-Incline dumbbell press
-Incline dumbbell flys
-Push ups
-French press
-Cable press downs

Day 2: Cardio
HIIT for 30 min on treadmill

Day 3: Back and Biceps
-Lat pull downs
-Cable rows
-One arm dumbbell rows
-Barbell curl
-Dumbbell curl
-Cable curl

Day 4: Cardio
HIIT on StairMaster 30 minutes

Day 5: Legs and Shoulders
-Leg press
-Leg extension
-Hamstring curl
-Standing calf raises
-Seated calf raises
-Seated dumbbell press
-Front dumbbell raise
-Rear lateral flys

Day 6: Abs
-Hanging leg raises
-Medicine ball sit ups

Day 7: Fun day! Hike, bike, swim, yoga, geocache, something!

My first week I'm going to do 1 set of 15 reps of everything, just to test my muscles out and see what they can handle. I don't want to over do it and feel intimidated. The plan I'm using come from this website.

Second week I will do 2 sets and third week do 3 sets and so on, until in the fourth week I will get a heavier set of weights. After 6 weeks I can make some adjustments if I feel its necessary.

Do you have any advice? I would love to hear some!

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