Sunday, November 13, 2011

Days 4-7

Thursday I waited around for some friends to go to the gym. I did some housework since I worked the day shift Friday and Greg was coming home Saturday.

My friends ended up bailing and I ended up pressed for time before work on a cardio day. I took my dog on a quick 30 min run on the TransCanada trail. The leaves were all different colours and the sun was shining, too bad everyone was burning.

I had some chicken for dinner before work, then a couple beers after for the Canucks game. Too bad they lost :(

Friday I worked the day shift at work so I made some overnight oats on Thursday night. I also had an orange a cold cup of coffee with ice and organic sugar.

Friday was also a holiday for Remembrance Day. Work was slamming busy!
Good thing I was prepared and brought food from home with me. I had leftover chicken for lunch and some grapes for a snack.

I wanted to squeeze in a workout but the gym was only open for a few hours since it was a holiday. I promised to work out extra hard on Saturday.

It was Friday night and my girlfriend Sarah got off work early so we decided to treat ourselves to martinis during the hockey game. I had 3 too many and splurged on chocolate peanut butter cheesecake. I only had half a piece as the guilt got to me and I couldn't fully enjoy it. I also had some nachos. Safe to say Friday wasn't my strongest day. It wasn't a strong day for the Canucks either :(

Saturday I got up and made french toast with multi grain bread, egg whites and almond milk. It turned out OK. Wasn't too tasty. I cleaned the house like a crazy woman all day since Greg was coming home that night. I also went to the gym and worked legs, shoulders, abs and did a HIIT sesh. I didn't have time for the sauna as my workout ran a little longer than expected so I gulped down a protein shake and an apple and went home to shower.

I picked Greg up at about 5 o'clock and we decided to go to our favorite Mexican restaurant. Its sort of a tradition, and we go every time we are in town which isn't very often. I usually always get the same thing. The chicken enchilada and Chile relleno combo, with a salad instead of beans and corn, and regular enchilada sauce with molé on the side. I was so full I couldn't eat anything else all night. Greg and I watched "Crazy, stupid, love" and I ogled over Ryan Gosling. God I remember when he was in Breaker High on YTV. He sure grew up!

Today was Sunday, which is my food prep day. I didn't really do much exercise which is fine because I had to grocery shop and prep my food for the week. I made a delicious hummus;

which was so good Greg ate the leftovers from the blender.

Greg's brother Rob stopped by and I made some Thai coconut shrimp, over leftover brown rice;

This is the site of my work area.

I also whipped up a batch of delicious veggie burgers, and some more fresh salsa. I wish I took some pictures of the veggie burgers as they were so beautiful! And pretty tasty too. I used s spaghetti squash in place of the summer squash the recipe called for and they still turned out great.

We went over to our friend Virginia's house for dinner and she made a kick ass Seafood Chipotle, which is her and her husbands favorite dish at Gina's, the same Mexican restaurant we love. She always cooks up a mean dish and this time was no different. She never fails to impress, and we always come home with a food coma.

Tomorrow I have to drive down island for a Doctors appointment.
Tomorrow is also the second week of my weight training, which means I'm moving up to 2 sets of 15 reps. I will probably do this for the next couple weeks at least, until I feel strong and consistent. I think I am going to keep doing the HIIT for my cardio as it helps the time go by really fast. I am also going to start jumping rope for a couple minutes as my warm up before weight training.

I bought a couple new products to try out this week;

I am pretty excited to try the chocolate almond milk with a banana, oats and some peanut butter in a protein shake. I am also interested in the coconut milk as it is a new item at my grocery store and was on sale.

I haven't really noticed much change this first week. Ive noticed a little definition in my arms already, and that I have more energy. I also feel a bit leaner which is crazy because I'm eating more than ever before! Ive also decided to follow a more practical plan, which I will still modify to include protein shakes, cereal, and overnight oats.

Overall I am pretty excited and feeling really motivated going into week 2. Thanks for being supportive and reading!

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