Saturday, November 19, 2011

Day 11-13

My veggie burgers turned out pretty good Wednesday night. I was actually surprised, as were a couple of my veggie friends I used as guinea pigs. The sweet potato fries were awesome and so easy to make!

Thursday morning I woke up exhausted and decided not to push myself too much. It was a cardio day so I did a fast paced walk twice around Chemainus Lake. I ran small sections to keep my heart rate up but I had to work and didn't want to be too tired.

I had Puffins cereal for breakfast, with regular milk as I only had the chocolate almond milk. I had a protein shake after my run. Greg was home from work early so we went grocery shopping together for a couple of things I needed.

For lunch I had about 15 snap peas with hummus, and also one slice of break with lean turkey and avocado. It was delicious!

For dinner I had steamed tilapia with spinach, roasted red peppers and brown rice. The pesto really made it, but I still didn't enjoy it very much. It was too fishy, and the bones in the fish really threw off my appetite. I think ill stick to fish tacos.

My girlfriend Sarah came over and I had half a beer with her after work. I went to bed around midnight since I had to be up early.

Friday was a busy day. I got up at 7am, had a coffee, some yogurt with vanilla extract, and a half a grapefruit, before hitting the gym. I did shoulders, legs, abs, and a HIIT sesh. I knew I wouldn't be working out Saturday so I did both workouts. It was awesome, and I went to work feeling full of energy. I had to open the restaurant which was great because I wanted to drive to Victoria Friday night for a girlfriends birthday party.

I had a protein shake after the gym, a kashi bar, 25 almonds for a snack and a salad with veggies and chicken at about 3pm. I also had a happy hour at 3pm and had a martini. TGIF!

We decided to have dinner at a restaurant in the city where my friend Jesse works, since we hadn't been there, and also hadn't seen him in so long. It was a beautiful restaurant and we shared some crab ravioli, a thin crust pizza, and of course we had gelato for dessert. Everything was delicious, but I did feel slightly guilty for straying off my meal plan. But it was a special occasion and I would have been even more disappointed if I didn't go.

We headed out to the party and had a really great time. It was so nice to see friends I hadn't seen in months and months.

Everyone had a really great time. I definitely drank too much, although not enough to give me a hangover, thank god. We stayed at the party until about 3am before someone had the not-so-brilliant-but-at-the-time-was-brilliant idea to go to Denny's. So we caught a cab and to Denny's we went.

I hadn't been to Denny's in probably 10 years. And for good reason. But I still felt the need to order way too much food. I ordered a bacon avocado wrap, of which I ate half. I also ordered a buttermilk biscuit with turkey gravy on the side. The waitress brought me 2, of which I ate one half of one. and I had 2 chicken strips, because my friend is vegetarian so someone had to eat them (that was my excuse), 2 mozzarella sticks, and an onion ring. I don't even eat deep fried foods. I actually despise the taste of them. Its so weird what the influence of alcohol makes you do.

We cabbed to Emily's after Denny's and passed out. We probably got home at about 4am. Greg was super hurting and still is. He doesn't know his limit and always surpasses it. I had 5 cider, because my 6th went missing, but it was a really long night so I think that is why I'm not feeling as rough this morning.

I woke up feeling pretty sore. My shoulders and abs are especially sore which is great because I find my shoulders are difficult to workout. We made the drive home, we stopped at McDonald's and I got a fruit and yogurt parfait. Today I am going to eat a lot better and hopefully forget some of the guilt of eating all that crap last night.

Today is a new day! Last night is water under the bridge. I'm going to take a nice hot bath, and make myself a turkey wrap. Some friends want to have drink tonight also but I think I will volunteer to be the DD. I'm also going to pack some ready to eat snacks so I don't get careless. Tomorrow we are having friends come up for a make-your-own sushi night. I am going to try and make sushi with brown rice for myself and see how it turns out. I will take photos and keep everyone posted. Happy Saturday, and thanks for reading!

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