Thursday, November 24, 2011

Days 14-18

Hello and Happy American Thanksgiving everyone!
I haven't had too much time to blog these past few days, as Ive actually been quite busy.
Sunday night I had some friends come up for a DIY sushi night. I decided not to make any brown rice as I was already feeling a little overwhelmed with prep. It wasn't too bad actually, as I gave myself lots of time. Everything turned out perfect!

Yum! Tempura Veggies!

We each made a couple rolls which was fun. I only have one sushi rolling mat on purpose, because I like to watch everyone make their rolls.

We drank Asahi, and ate our huge sushi feast. There wasn't even a single piece leftover!

The next day, I spent most of the day cooking again, for another dinner party. I went to the gym for chest and triceps, and also for a HIIT sesh. Then I came home and made twice baked potatoes, broccoli salad, spinach dip and an apple and pear crumble for dessert.

Our friends ended up not making it, and we were stuck with tonnes of food. We ate ourselves into food coma, and I decided there was no more room for sacrificing my eating plan.

Tuesday was pretty uneventful. I got up early and made kickass egg white tacos with corn tortillas and salsa. It was a cardio day, so I walked my dog for 45 minutes. I tried to walk relatively fast to keep my heart rate up. When I got home I whipped up a protein shake and headed to work. I made myself a salad with chicken, spinach, carrot, cucumber, red pepper and pumpkin seeds for dinner. I worked til midnight and was exhausted when I got home.

Wednesday was a great day. I woke up at 7am for a webinar through IIN. I am seriously considering enrolling in their health coach program. The Q and A session was pretty helpful. I am feeling like I need a change for the better in my life so I am going to give it some more serious thought before deciding to spend my life savings on education.

I went to the gym early for back and bicep day. I also joined in an aquafit class. There were so many people! I usually go to the noon class on Wednesdays but I had to work at noon, so I decided to go to an early one. The music was awesome and everyone was singing along. It was a lot of good energy.

I had a flat tire from driving over a screw so I got that fixed before work. Work was busy and went by quickly. There was a hockey game on so my girlfriend Sarah and I had a couple beverages and I even gave in to some nachos and a half size chocolate brownie for dessert. Eating poorly make me really tired. It is actually crazy to see what a difference Ive noticed. Obviously eating healthy whole foods gives you energy, but now I see very clearly just how eating bad food makes you feel. I felt so sluggish and sleepy and went to bed at 9pm.

This morning Greg didn't have to work so he made me breakfast which was really nice. My biceps are killing me and my lower back is feeling kind of strained today. I was going to go to a hot yoga class at 12:30 but haven't hydrated enough today. I am really lazy and unmotivated from the weather. I think I will do a bit of stretching and walk my dog before work. Looking forward to Friday tomorrow!!

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