Thursday, November 10, 2011

Days Two and three

Today was a cardio day so I got up early and drove over to Chemainus Lake. But not before receiving a motivation text from my bestie. It feels so good to have support :)

This is the site of my exercise. I ran two laps around the lake in the POURING rain. But it was still great. Id rather run in the rain than the heat. The run took about 40 minutes, plus 10 minutes each way of driving. I was starving when I got home so I put a big blob of almond butter on the overnight oats that I made. They were actually quite good!

They filled me up for most of the day, but i forced fed myself an apple around 2pm. The day was mostly taken up doing household chores such as laundry and dishes, etc. I whipped up a curried egg salad wrap with spinach and flax seed oil for lunch. I also made a tuna salad with pickles and cucumber over spring greens and took that to work with me. I worked a really long, slow shift and got home around 11:30pm. I must have been pretty tired because I don't even remember my head hitting the pillow.

Wednesday morning I got up quite early and made my girlfriend breakfast. She stayed over the night before to keep me company while my boyfriend is out of town. We made scrambled egg whites with a strip of bacon, a little cheese and fresh salsa in a whole grain tortilla. I had 1/2 a grapefruit and a cup of coffee also. It was the best breakfast I had all week!

I took banjo on a good hour long walk, down one of my favorite country lanes. The views out over the lake were beautiful, even with all of the leaves almost gone. When I got home, I made a quick protein shake and headed off to the gym.

Today was back and bicep day, and it was my first day doing these exercises. I was quite relieved to see my friend Adrian there working out. He gave me some great pointers and even helped me with my form (Thanks Adrian!). I felt quite silly but he reassured me that everyone starts somewhere. I finished my reps and headed down to the pool for aquafit.

I love the aquafit classes mostly because I love the low impact. We also have some great instructors at our community centre which definitely helps. I'm always the youngest person there, though so everyone watches me which I don't like, because I'm also the newest person there. This class focused mainly on abs, which I was excited about since its the whole reason I'm doing this. After a half hour, class was over and I laid in the sauna which was well deserved.
I had my protein shake waiting in the truck for when I came out.

I had a quick nap because I had to work that evening. Then I made this killer pizza on a whole grain tortilla, with spinach, low fat feta, low fat mozza, (only a little of each) some bell peppers, and some Roma tomatoes. I put it in the over to broil, and went to fold some laundry. I must have started day dreaming because I could smell the pizza burning and had to run to the oven to save its life.

Could have been a lot worse!

I also made up another tuna salad using the leftovers from the night before. I added a little feta and some juicy grape tomatoes. I mixed some ranch with flax oil for the dressing, but only about a teaspoon.

I ate it at about 9pm so that I would be full for the rest of the night.

Work was very busy which was awesome. I work in a restaurant which serves processed foods, uses ridiculous amounts of salt in everything, and serves a lot of fried and fatty foods. It is a franchise and sadly that is what becomes of them. It is hard to not eat the food there as it looks and smells delicious. I was looking at the nutritional facts not too long ago, and was very disturbed to find out that the chicken pecan salad we have on our menu had 92 grams of fat per serving. It upsets me that people order salads thinking they are a healthy alternative when it actually is one of the fattiest things on our menu. I feel like we are deceiving people.
For the past 3 days however, I have been packing food with me and so far have no given in to potato skins, or pizza which were both weaknesses of mine.

I came home and watched some matchbox 20 videos with my amiga, Sarah. We also had a little treat of whisky on the rocks with lemon and water. We were going to have pina coladas but there was way too much sugar in the mix, especially to have so late at night. Sarah went home and I went to bed.

Today is day 4 and it is a beautiful day. My back and biceps are killing me, but today is a cardio day, thank god! This mornings breakfast consisted of half a grapefruit, scrambled egg whites and a piece of multi grain toast with almond butter. The sun is shining and calling me outside. I hope everyone has a great Thursday! The weekend is just around the corner!

Here is a little treat I found the other night. Enjoy :)

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